Listen To Sounds in Saint John

Saint John Impressions & Experiences

Meet Alex’s parents at the ferry. Stay in Airbnb. Hot showers. Loads of laundry. Driveway so steep we can only go up in reverse. Expensive groceries. $10 box of crackers. Donkeys in the road. Aggressive iguana whipping its tail and hissing at us. Tourists all drive the same rental Jeeps and sit in the same Tommy Bahama beach chairs. Stunning white sand beaches. Favorites were Trunk Bay and Maho Bay. Perfect wind for short sail. Alex’s Mom surprisingly did not get seasick. Reunite with cruising friends. Floating taco bar. Goats eating from dumpster. Sally the chicken always sneaking into the house. Alex’s sister and her family visits. Cousins play in water. Family Ultimate frisbee game on beach. Pizza and flame throwing. Hop into dinghy while boat is still moving and bopping. Say farewell.