Listen To Sounds in Guadeloupe

Guadeloupe Impressions & Experiences

Pedestrian street on Iles des Saintes. Playground buzzing with children late into the evening. Scooters, bikes, roller blades, and skateboards in the plaza. Chirping chicks. Rolly anchorage. 1,000-foot climb to lookout tower. Running in the hills. Frayed ropes on the beach. Pigeons cooing. Mooring ball clanking against the hull. Noisy gas scooters on the streets. Buddy boats disperse. Friday market in Gosier. Handmade ice cream. Bokits. Kids growling and laughing at each other is a universal communication. Old netting strung in the trees. Friends from Madison visit. Wine and good conversation. Dinghy is like a clown car. Attempts at fixing outboard. Story time with our friend Davey. Shooting stars. Upside down moon. Hot springs flow into the sea. A mountain of chichis and Nutella waffles.